Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Poem To A Redskin



Microsoft=Wei Ran
  In the roseate evening of your birdy tweet,
the sunset amber-glows leak
In the roseate evening of your wandering feet,
In the sun tanned words you speak.
In the roseate evening of your hidden thoughts,
that cook on gas stove of butterfly wings,
In the roseat evening of worn quilt
that once warms your cold heart strings.
In the roseate evening of repeated walks,
that trace the past with sweetened favors.
In the roseate evening of lightened talks,
that shorten distance in between forever.
I just wished that the Roseate color
upgrade the Redskinned Kenwood park, a lot.


1 comment:

  1. a fat cat, a weiran enginner, and a movie star....

    interesting folks.
