Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Living By Denise Levertov

The fire in leaf and grass
so green it seems
each summer the last summer.
The wind blowing, the leaves
shivering in the sun,
each day the last day.
A red salamander
so cold and so
easy to catch, dreamily.
Moves his delicate feet
and long tail, I hold
my hand open for him to go.
Each minute the last minute.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Caught in Situations.

If something
goes wrong
while you ride
on a hot air balloon,
You become panic.
We know this
with fish bones
stuck in our throats.
It isn't abnormal
to feel helpless.
Our life is
in danger.
In reality, we occupy
so many one-sided stories
and we refuse to admit our biases.
Meditation, and have
parachuts ready
before fly on airplanes.
A big bite of banana
may calm things down
when you try to get ride of the bone,
That's how we cough to survive.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Poem To A Redskin

In the roseate evening of your birdy tweet,
the sunset amber-glows leak
In the roseate evening of your wandering feet,
In the sun tanned words you speak.
In the roseate evening of your hidden thoughts,
that cook on gas stove of butterfly wings,
In the roseat evening of worn quilt
that once warms your cold heart strings.
In the roseate evening of repeated walks,
that trace the past with sweetened favors.
In the roseate evening of lightened talks,
that shorten distance in between forever.
I just wished that the Roseate color
upgrade the Redskinned Kenwood park, a lot.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sonnet of the Spring: Singer of Darkness By T. L, W.

I feel the onward rush of spring once more,
Tearing upon the unresistant land,
And foaming up the dark hibernate shore,
As turbulent waves unfurled on turbid sand!
The cataclysm of the uncurled leaf,
The soundless thunder of the bursting green,
Stuns every field. The sudden war is short,
And instantly the flag of truce is seen,
The still, white blossom raised upon the bough,
(Singer of darkness, oh, be silent now!
Raise no defense, dare to erect no wall,
But let the living fire, the angry storm fall
with lyric paeans of victory once more
against your own blindly surrendered shore!)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

No Panics Regardless Bad Luck....Prayers for New Yok or East Coast Victims

As far as my eyes can see,
There is a child in everyone of us,
It's part of nature
that amity and false propositions coexist,
Life is an illustration of yellow and sallow,
Despite ricks and damaged hearts,
We remain bounded to our wishes,
via the thread of built in power,
We refuse to give up hope
and the innocence in men and women
motivates us to overcome hardships,
Never fear stormy moments,
We shall see lights
and march on with knowledge and experience
after the misfortune is over.

Three Word Wednesday. 3WW CCCI  False, Illustrate, Sallow

Hyde Park Thursday Poets Rally Week 76: October 31-November 7, 2012